Friday, November 7, 2008

A Love Story

I realized last night that my book is a love story. Its the love story of a man who loved his wife and children so much that he fought as hard as he could for 5 weeks to live. Its the love story of a woman who loved her husband so much that she couldn't imagine living in a world without him. Its the story of children who missed not only their father but their mother as well as she spent her days and nights camped out in a waiting room clinging desperately to any moment she was allowed through the ominous double doors to the burn unit to steal minutes with her husband. Its the love story of family and friends who valued the life and love of their friend and family member so much that they looked for any way they could to help. But its more than that.

Its also the love story of us, Darrell and Denise. Darrell died 10 days before our 10th wedding anniversary but many would have guessed it was our first. We held hands. We kissed often. We were always near each other. Our days revolved around the other's plans. To see the true devastation that Darrell's accident brought to our family and to me, I need to tell our story. Our love story.

I've added a new song to the play list. I Swear by All for One. The song will come into play several times in my book. We played that song at our wedding and ended up singing it to each other on the alter. If you've read my home blog There's Always Room for One More, then you know I can't sing very well. But I didn't care and neither did Darrell. Although our wedding was quite small it was as though it was just the two of us as we stared into each other's eyes singing our song. It was if they were our vows. Now that I think about it they were; we meant every word.

The second time is on Valentine's Day. I brought the CD to the hospital and sang to my unconscious husband. Our song.

I Swear
All for One


Kristin said...

As difficult as this writing will be, it will come from the heart. That's the best writing that anyone can read. Does that make sense? The more it truly comes from YOU, the better it will be.

I will continue to keep updated on the book's progress. I only wish I had the time and creativity to do the same thing.

Kristy said...

Denise my heart just breaks for you as I am reading this, but I have to say that you are one of the strongest women that I know, but I don't know. I wish I could sit down with you and drink a cup of coffee and just talk. I would be your sounding board, your friend.... You are an amazing woman that I know God has huge plans for, actually he is already revealing that.

Love and blessings, Kristy

ps dont you live in Tx? I live down by San Antonio.

Margaret M said...

Denise, I can't wait to read this book. Your story has touched my heart. I watched a gentleman who I love fight for each breath a week ago. He was not scared to let go and he even said so. He just did not want to leave my mother alone. Their love was a beautiful love and my mother was lucky enough to have 2 great loves in her life. I'll be checking back to support you in this long process! I volunteer to edit if you need me too!!! (I really just want to be one of the first to read it).

The Rambler said...


Somehow I knew SITS would guide me to a blog that my heart would tug at.

It breaks for your loss, applauds the strength you have for your children that I am sure have their own grief to manage, cheers for your good days, smiles when you talk about those moments you shared with your husband.

Best wishes!